Saturday 1 February 2014

One year of here.

Today marks one year since I began blogging in this space, picking up my haphazard blogging habit of times past. I've posted just over 100 or so times this year, tweaked the layout a bit, joined some link-ups (like this one and this one - some more regular than others), received lovely, uplifting comments (and the odd troll), and most of all have been inspired by the creativity of the blogging community.*

Blogging throughout 2013 gave me an outlet for sharing words, photographs, thoughts and ideas. It was a place of reflection through some pretty shitty moments, and a place to express joy in the shiny times. I have always endeavoured to see the beauty in the everyday and the mundane and this blog provides me a place to indulge myself and share them with the world - or, at least, a small handful of family, friends and other bloggers. (Hello!)

2013 saw my family of origin expand, with the birth of my darling, adorable, delightful character of a niece, named after our beloved great-grandmother.

We began the year in Alice Springs, and ended with the long-distance thing (which continues, and will do so for a while) as my partner now lives and works 1500 km away.

I had some difficult times in a turbulent workplace, where I made the hard decision to speak up about workplace bullying. (Have you been in this situation before? Speaking up about it is one of the hardest things I've done, but it comes back to the point that if I don't, who will? If I am assertive and self-confident enough to do this, I should speak up for others who might not have the strength and confidence to do so. I also figure that if I've encountered bullying behaviour, then it's hardly likely to be a one-off incident affecting only me - particularly when the people doing the bullying are in positions of power.)

But - unexpectedly - out of this trying time came a new opportunity in a new workplace, where I am learning more and more and expanding my skills in a supportive environment.

We spent time exploring Central Australia, including a four-day hike with friends along sections of the Larapinta Trail. I had little breaks away from the desert here and there, mainly visiting my sister and niece as she grow-grow-grows.

I spent varying amounts of time studying as I work towards my goal of completing a Bachelor of Laws (Graduate) by the time I'm 40. And, having had a birthday one month ago to the day, this is now (just) seven years away. I surprised myself with a trio of Distinctions and letters of commendation from the university which made me feel a little bit pleased with myself. My undergrad studies were creative and unstructured (B. Creative Arts - Visual Arts and Design, and B. Arts - yep!) so it's a different kettle of fish this time around.

There were friends to say goodbye to as they left Alice Springs and headed to other places for new adventures. In almost two years of living here, I've learnt that this is a part of the lifecycle of this place.

It's lovely to be able to look back on a year and remember the little moments. Thanks for sharing them with me!

*The blogging community, it's a 'thing'! I've really enjoyed delving into blogs, experiencing glimpses into the lives of others. Some blogs resonate with me, others not so much. Discovering a new blog is like devouring a new book or magazine - once you start reading, you have to go back to the first post and read it all the way through. There are the mummy bloggers (all about the childrens), the for-profit bloggers (sponsored posts, ugh!) and the 'look at me' bloggers. Then, behold: there are the whimsical, delightful corners of the internets where you feel like you're sitting down for a cuppa with an old friend.

Here are my favourites from this year. Have a read and share the love.

Meet Me At Mikes
This lady is talented, funny, crafty, smart and thinks about things. An old hat at blogging. I might even do one of her e-courses one of these days.

The Beetle Shack
Sometimes about the kids, sometimes sponsored posts, but mostly I like the sense of warmth, a real person tapping away on the keys and taking lovely photographs and wearing creative outfits. Also does the weekly 'Stills' link up that I often participate in.

Little Wolff
I'm so glad I discovered this corner of the internet. Lila lives in regional Australia, which I can relate to (and it's often very hot there, which I can also relate to!). Her 'little opinionated' posts are articulate, thoughtful and brave. She's clever and creative and cooks yummy vegan food.

Prudence Claire
Here is a witty woman with a funny cat and delightful way of sharing her life. Prue makes me laugh and writes in an understatedly eloquent way. Her proofreading is second to none - this is kind of a big deal (to me) in blogland.

Girl in the Pjs
A fellow Alice Springs blogger with a lovely sense of the aesthetic. Alli is an inspiringly diligent blogger!

Love love, lady
Such a beautiful soul encapsulated in a lovely blog. Sarah shares her raw moments alongside the everyday and you can really feel the creativity and love she exudes for her wife and fur kids.

And, as an aside, remember this post I wrote about life in Alice Springs? I was recently approached by ABC Radio NT who asked whether they could include it in a series called 'Wordsmith' where they feature works by Territory writers. I said yes - of course - and went along to the local ABC studio to record myself reading it. They edited it up and got rid of the stumbling and mumbling and whacked in some ambient sounds and played it in two parts on Territory-wide airwaves! I heard the second part yesterday afternoon and it was a strange feeling to hear myself on the radio like that. I'll share the link, when it's up.


  1. I'm so glad you've loved reading my blog. It has been wonderful finding another Alice Springs blogger to connect with xx

  2. Congrats on your one year here! I love reading another red-dirt blogger, love the beach but sometimes I crave someone who understands the heat and isolation. Can't wait to hear the radio piece once the link is up! Thank-you for the kind words it means a lot to me and the link!

  3. Congratulations on one year! And that radio piece, that's incredible. I love your writing style and views, and hearing about life in such a different environment to Melbourne. Good luck with the rest of your Law degree as well!

  4. Thanks for the shout out xxx I was so blown away by your piece on Alice Springs, I'm not at all surprised that it got picked up by the radio. That must have been an amazing feeling, to hear yourself on the radio. You deserve it. Never stop writing. Congratulations on the first year of your blog, and thanks for being a bloggy friend :)

  5. Oh and I forgot to say, thanks for the remark about my proofreading! To me, there is no higher compliment haha


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