Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Homebody long weekend.

The dark clouds that were hanging around on Friday evening didn't stay for long and it was a spectacular weekend for weather in Alice Springs. And whilst it was a long weekend, with a plethora of exciting, outdoorsy, active, adventure-y things that I could have done, all I felt like doing was hunkering down at home. Well, that's not entirely true, as this post about my trip to the op shop showed - I did get out of the house (any my pyjamas) and do a little bit of wandering around town on Saturday morning.

On Sunday we decided to go out for brunch and bumped into friends (as you do here) and it was lovely just to chat and linger and then stroll down the mall, as the markets were on.

On Monday we ventured out to watch the finish of the Finke Desert Race (I had, until that point, avoided any sort of Finke-ing) and we sat in the sunshine with friends. Us ladies chatted whilst the menfolk watched the buggies and trucks head towards the finish line.

Some much needed housework and loads of fresh air and sunshine and lots of pottering about in the house and outside (mainly picking things to eat) made it a very pleasant sort of weekend. It was topped off by a wine and cheese picnic in our backyard yesterday afternoon where we talked about all sorts of interesting things. (Oh, and then we crashed a BBQ around the corner in the most amazing house.)

I also became officially addicted to this blog (yes, I'm slow) and caught up on other blogs (including this one!). I also didn't read any of the next book club book or do ANY study. I am a bad law student. Looks like I will be cramming as my exam is next week.


  1. Thanks for the shout out Emma! I adore The Beetle Shack too, her photos are always so beautiful. I was so jealous of your op shop finds - I love a jackpot like that :)

  2. No worries :) and yep - I really did get lucky at the Salvos! enjoy your week :)


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