Tuesday, 2 July 2013

About the prickly bits.

All in all my life is wonderful and I am extremely blessed with what I've got, and the opportunities I have been offered by no choosing of my own, simply by being born when/where I was born. That's not to say there haven't been difficult bits, times where things haven't gone according to plan, or where people have let me down, or where I've made mistakes that are hard to repair.

In a couple of recent posts I've alluded to a 'bad surprise' and having the blues and whilst I won't elaborate here, those who know us here in Alice Springs might be aware of what's going on. In short, it was a decision made that has indirectly had a massive impact on me and really shook me to the core. Not the actual decision itself, but the way it was carried out and the processes that weren't adhered to.

I tend to struggle a bit with sinus trouble over winter, and having a cold a little while back left me with a residual sinus 'thing'. My old naturopath in Adelaide said that sinus trouble has a lot to do with sadness that's being bottled up and not allowed a release. My new naturopath here is working on boosting my immune system; whilst, overall, it's fantastically strong, this sinus thing is a bit of a vulnerability.

So whilst I'm partly holding things together overly well, I'm also struggling quite a bit and trying really hard to be kind to myself - some very timely advice offered to me last week. I have super high expectations of myself and feel like I'm letting people/myself down if I'm not giving 110% all the time. Hence my copious amount of extracurricular activities etc etc. Anyway - I'm cutting myself a wee bit of slack and allowing my head to collect itself.

And I'm stocking my body with the good stuff: a vitamin C/echinacaea/garlic/zinc supplement, a chronic sinus chinese herb supplement, probiotics, immuni-tea, green leafy veg and lots of water etc. I'm also using essential oils such as tea tree, lavender and a bed-time blend. My friend suggested rubbing a small dot of sandalwood oil on the back of my neck, which I'm going to try.

So yes, there will be prickly times but that's not to say that on the whole, life is good and I really can't complain about much at all.

Oh, and there's a lovely post about embracing winter here at Che and Fidel.

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