Saturday 1 February 2014

Belated family Christmas.

My family of origin are quite spread out (NSW, VIC, NT) and it was too tricky at Christmas time for us to all get together. Instead, we decided a belated family Christmas was the way to go and, taking advantage of the recent long weekend, we made our way from Alice Springs, Darwin, Sydney and Wollongong to my sister and her partner's place in country Victoria. I love it when we all get together, even more so now that Hazel is here. We ate, drank, patted the horses, chatted, laughed until we cried (a certain book about poo is to blame for that!), drank coffee, ate some more and the menfolk got stuck into building a railing for the deck. Here's a snapshot of our time together. It might not have been a 'real' Christmas, but it was everything Christmas should be - without the stress of the silly season.


  1. Oh I love that photo looking out the window and I love that big old country rustic guys would have had so much fun together and totally takes the pressure off of the Christmas gatherings like this are truly wonderful. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    1. Thanks Kathy! Family gatherings any time of year are the best, especially when we live so far away from each other! x

  2. Christmas, not matter when it's celebrated is always special. It looks like you all had a lovely time, beautiful photos xx

  3. Ah, so lovely! Making me a little homesick, but we'll be doing a flying visit to family in March - I'm looking forward to it!

  4. It's actually a fantastic idea for a tradition-- to get together outside of the busy makes it like a 2nd Christmas-- something to look forward to...Family hanging out together is the best


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