Saturday, 6 July 2013

A(nother) day at the Show {part 2}

We headed back to the Show for a look at the stuff we didn't get to see yesterday (see this post here if you missed it). Not because the show is huge, but mainly because we were content to dawdle along and chat to friends that we bumped into. Today we looked at the craft, cooking, agriculture, photography and hobby displays, before heading out to see a bit of the equestrian events. The show jumping was in progress in one arena, and in another arena there was the fast-paced camp drafting and Western events - such a contrast! We also did the obligatory lap around the sideshow alley, with the lurid colours and blaring tinned music and flashing lights and toothless attendants. And, of course, the scary rides.

As we wandered through the hobby and craft section, I remembered when I was a kid we spent the school holidays one year preparing things to enter into the oh-so-lucrative Dapto Show. My sister and I entered all the art categories, and my brother entered cakes into the cooking section. It was a good way to earn easy money; we came away with many prize ribbons. At five bucks for first prize, it was a veritable gold mine for a 10-year-old.

Oh, and we sat down to watch a bit of the dog trials competition. It was so funny seeing the owners taking it so seriously, and the dogs losing interest and ducking out of the ring to get pats from various spectators, or stopping on top of the beam to check that everyone was, in fact, still watching them.

It happens once a year, and it's most certainly a different world.

{Was lazy today and snapped these with my iPhone. Edited with VSCOcam app.}

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